Why Structural Plywood Is Much in Demand on the Construction Market

Construction & Contractors Blog

Structural plywood is an engineered wood product that has many applications in the construction world owing to the many incredible qualities that it possesses. It can be made from softwood, hardwood or both, and is made up of three main layers — the face, core and back, bonded to each other using a strong adhesive.

Some of the common construction applications of structural plywood include installing ceilings and wood-based flooring systems, creating formwork for poured concrete, making partitions within rooms and fitting cabinetry.

So, what qualities make structural plywood a versatile material for construction purposes? Here are some key fundamental attributes of structural plywood that lend themselves to use in multiple construction applications.

Excellent Strength

In applications where material strength and stability are needed, structural plywood fits the bill. This type of wood comprises multiple layers, making it strong and durable. As a matter of fact, structural plywood offers superior strength compared to cut lumber owing to its higher strength-to-weight ratio. 

The high strength of structural plywood makes it ideal for applications such as flooring installations, where the wood may be subjected to heavy impact. The wood is also easy to work with, as it doesn't break easily.

Incredible Resistance to Moisture and Water

For applications where there is a need to protect structural elements of a building from moisture damage, marine-grade plywood can come in handy. From the surface finish or coating to the adhesive used to bond the different layers together, this type of plywood is specially designed to prevent damage from exposure to water, moisture and humidity. 

Great Thermal Performance

As energy costs continue escalating, building owners and builders alike continue to look for ways to minimise heat transfer through the envelope of their buildings. Building with structural plywood is a superb way to improve the thermal efficiency of a building and keep energy costs down. This is because wood is a natural thermal insulator that can reduce heat gains and losses in homes via conduction, thus minimising the need to overwork HVAC systems.

Excellent Soundproofing

Structural plywood isn't just a great thermal insulator — it can also block a significant amount of outdoor noise from interfering with the peace and quiet within your building. In cases where the noise is coming from your building interiors, the thick layers of engineered wood can help to minimise disturbance to the people on adjacent properties.

Structural plywood has many enviable properties that you should try to take advantage of as a builder or building owner. Get in touch with a trustworthy structural plywood supplier to know which type of product is best for your construction project.

For more information, contact a structural plywood supplier.


27 August 2019

Colin's Construction Blog

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. When people think of the construction industry, they often just imagine guys in hard hats building brick walls. While this is a popular image of the industry, it doesn't reflect the true diversity of different contractors and tradesmen who are involved in a construction project. Lasy year, my wife and I decided to construct our dream home. I had to arrange visits of plumbers, roofers, electricians, surveyors and home builders in order to get the job done. I learnt a lot during that experience, so I decided to start this blog.