Marine Transportation: Three Practical Guidelines on Preparing Your Yacht for Shipping

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you are planning on taking your yacht for use in an international destination, you should think about having the vessel transported. Marine transportation will protect the boat from degradation. In simple terms, your yacht will not be exposed to rough water, and high winds can cause extensive damage during a journey on the ocean. Also, shipping your vessel helps you avoid being in dangerous situations when navigating. If you are interested in this transportation option, here are some guidelines to help you prepare your yacht for the journey: 

1 December 2017

How to Ensure That Your Quarry Operation is as Environmentally Friendly As Possible

Construction & Contractors Blog

No matter what type of commercial operation you're involved in, you need to work together with all of the team to come up with the most efficient practices possible. In short, you will want to be able to do the job as quickly, practically and safely as you can for the least amount of money. In recent years, more stakeholders have wanted to see evidence of this efficiency, in order to help safeguard the environment and one industry that has taken this on board proactively is the drilling and blasting business.

27 October 2017

How to Overcome the Challenges of Restoring the Stainless Steel on Your Boat


If you're involved in renovating your boat, you will want to make sure that it is as self-sufficient as possible, especially for some of those longer journeys. You may be looking at some of the water distribution systems on board and are getting ready to restore some stainless steel pipes as part of your work. What do you need to bear in mind, however, to make sure that your restoration will last and that your work is safe for all who will be on board?

20 October 2017

The different types of treated pine

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you are planning a construction using timber, you might want to consider using treated pine. It is a very durable and aesthetically pleasing wood that can you can use in many parts of your house and fencing with excellent results. Pine is usually treated to increase its resistance to insects, fungi, water and fire. There are three ways in which pine is treated. The different treatments offer unique strengths and weaknesses.

19 May 2017

Ensuring Successful Plant Relocation Process

Construction & Contractors Blog

A number of factors may agitate the process of plant relocation in industries among them being the current challenging economic times. In this case, companies have to develop a schedule that will lead to a successful plant relocation process. Some companies may decide to consolidate some of their industrial facilities in order to cut down on operation costs. Plant engineers and other supporting contractors have to be keen when executing the entire project.

15 May 2017

Why Building Owners Should Enlist the Service of Professionals When It Comes to Performing Demolition Jobs

Construction & Contractors Blog

Buildings require materials, manpower, technical knowledge, and time to construct. Because of the substantial investment that is often made in the construction of buildings, it may not be easy for building owners to reach a decision to bring down their structures. But in situations where a building has been identified as an occupancy risk due to major structural integrity issues, this is the only option property owners will have.  Building owners should avoid undertaking demolition projects on their own.

11 May 2017

Wood vs Metal Carports: Which is Better?

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you don't have room in your garage for your vehicle, you might be looking for another way to protect it. A good alternative is to set up a carport next to your house, which will provide coverage to protect your vehicle from rain, snow, hail, and other weather conditions. Two of the more popular materials used for carports are wood and metal; here are some things to consider when deciding which material is best.

24 April 2017

A Side-by-Side Evaluation of Solar Panels versus Solar Tiles

Construction & Contractors Blog

Today, there is an urgent need to cut down on your domestic bills to optimise savings. One thing that usually eats into your income is the money you spend to pay for electricity. Harnessing solar power will provide an alternative means of power in your home. It will help you cut down your power bill quite significantly. To add on that, using solar energy is a great incentive to the environment because the sun is a source of clean energy.

19 April 2017

Proactive Methods of Preventing Frozen Pipes

Construction & Contractors Blog

A major concern to have as a homeowner during the colder months is your pipes freezing over. Quite often, frozen pipes will not only entail repairs and replacement to your plumbing but can also extend to addressing water damage to parts of your home such as the floors, walls, ceiling and more. Therefore, if you would like to avoid having to pay exorbitant amounts of money in addressing the consequences of frozen pipes, it would be in your best interests to avoid this issue in the first place.

14 April 2017

Building and Construction Inspection: All There Is to Know for New Homeowners

Construction & Contractors Blog

Is it your first time building or renovating your home? There are a few things you need to know before starting your project. Building inspections are among the most significant aspects to think about. These inspections are crucial to ensuring your building structures are safe for occupancy. The building and construction inspectors involved in these inspections ensure your building is in compliance with the building codes, zoning laws, and ordinances. Building inspections usually involve a lot of things, and understanding the process will make everything easier for you by eliminating surprises that could interfere with your budget and other concerns such as compliance with state or local regulations.

12 April 2017