Examples of Situations When Piling Is Used for Installing a Foundation

Construction & Contractors Blog

Foundation installation professionals use different methods when installing foundations. One common method is piling, which involves drilling heavy posts into the ground to build a strong foundation. These are some of the situations when piling is commonly used for installing foundations for homes or other structures.

When Soil Is Difficult to Work With

In some cases, the soil that is being built on is actually quite difficult to build on for one reason or another. This happens on sandy or unstable soil, for example. Although in some cases proper ground preparation can go a long way in providing a better surface for building a structure on, this isn't always enough. In these cases, using piling as a foundation installation method often makes a lot of sense. Therefore, if you are wondering about how your structure can be properly built on unstable soil, then you should definitely talk to your foundation installation contractor about whether or not piling will be an installation method that makes sense.

When a Large or Heavy Structure Is Being Constructed

When a really large or heavy structure is being built — such as if a large home is being built or if a commercial or industrial building is being constructed — it is obviously very important to make sure that the foundation can provide enough support and handle the weight properly. Luckily, piling helps a lot with this.

When Local Building Regulations Require It

There are many building regulations in place in many jurisdictions, and these building regulations and codes often cover lots of different things, including how foundations have to be installed. In some places, pilling might be required during the foundation installation process for certain types of foundations and certain types of structures. The foundation installation crew that is going to be working on your project should be aware of whether or not there are relevant building codes that they need to follow when installing your foundation.

When Building a Strong Foundation Is a Priority

Of course, piling is sometimes used during foundation installations even when it isn't necessary for one of the reasons above. Some contractors prefer piling as a foundation installation method because they want their structures to be as durable and long-lasting as possible, so they recommend this foundation installation type for most or all of the building projects that they are involved in. Additionally, some homeowners or others who are having a building project done are interested in this foundation method specifically because they want their structure to be sturdy.


25 May 2021

Colin's Construction Blog

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. When people think of the construction industry, they often just imagine guys in hard hats building brick walls. While this is a popular image of the industry, it doesn't reflect the true diversity of different contractors and tradesmen who are involved in a construction project. Lasy year, my wife and I decided to construct our dream home. I had to arrange visits of plumbers, roofers, electricians, surveyors and home builders in order to get the job done. I learnt a lot during that experience, so I decided to start this blog.